Wednesday, February 27, 2013

35 and beyond...

Hello friends! Here I am, a month past my 35th birthday and I must say that 35 feels great! I so enjoyed celebrating my birthday with y'all. Thank you to each of you who contributed to my birthday campaign! While I fell short of my $3500 goal, I am thrilled to report that more than $2000 were donated for uniforms and school supplies! This covers 40 kids and that is AMAZING! My favorite birthday gift ever... And, the kids don't start until May, so it's not too late if you still want to participate :)

There's just something to giving - giving out of our abundance and giving out of our need. I am aware that God wants to work this truth deeper into my life and I'm eagerly awaiting the fleshing out of such a revelation. I'm thankful for people, like Heidi Baker, who live in the awareness that there is ALWAYS ENOUGH in Him, despite what our natural eyes see. Holding onto that for the beautiful children at Covenant Children's Homes.

Would you consider making a donation in any amount to Covenant Children's Homes (a ministry of India Christian Ministries)?

To give a gift of school supplies and uniforms, click the PayPal link below:

To learn more about the kids at Covenant Children's Home, visit: