Jett is a good eater. At his 2 week weigh-in, he was 9 lbs. 7 oz. That's 1 lb. 1 oz. gained in 7 days! No doubt he's in good company around here :)

Aunt Holly and Uncle Jeff came to visit on his 2 week birthday...

And so did his Nanny. She loves him!

The Shucks brought us some yummy dinner and Jeremy showed of his baby handling skills. His cute wife was very impressed :)

Aunt Cathie and Jett's cousins, Kaleb and Nick, came by for a visit, too! This was the first baby Kaleb remembered holding. He did great.

Jett's expression in this one cracks me up - he looks doubtful about something.

Lots of visits from people we love. So fun!
1 comment:
So many visitors! He's got quite the social life already.
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