Jett's cousin, Kaleb, turned 12!! I was taking a solitude retreat at my family's farm when I got a call that Kaleb was born and had to cut the solitude short. It's hard to believe how fast 12 years passes. He's a great guy and we are so proud of him. Austin follows suit in another month.
We got to celebrate Kaleb at his house with yummy cake and ice cream. This is Kaleb's birthmom, Liz, holding Jett while Kaleb opens presents. These boys are both very loved and special boys!!

Jett and I are trying to spend some good time in Grammy's pool - although the 30 minute car ride over there is brutal! This week before we got in, Jett had a chance to lounge around on Grammy's big kitty, Rudy :) Rudy is a Ragdoll, and therefore, very chill...

Yay for Aunt Jen!!! She came over at the last minute so Casey and I could see Star Trek before it left the theaters. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie and Mr. Jett really enjoyed his quality time with one of his favorite people. What a precious, loving, thoughtful and beautiful friend :)

The Moodys loaned us a cool tummy time toy until Delaney gets bigger. It's like a sit n' spin for babies and Jett really likes it.

Can you believe that this young-looking guy is actually 55?! Ricky/Dad/Tatu is a very young 55 and we really enjoyed celebrating with him at Holly & Jeff's house.

Jett's Aunt Holly sure is beautiful, isn't she?! And this is after a day of slaving in the kitchen and not sparing "the rod" on 3 children! She and Jett love one another :)

I know we post a lot of bath pictures and videos, but time in the water really is his favorite and the time when we see his personality come out the most! He is very serious about swimming. Pardon Jett's slight nudity...
I'm thinking Navy seal...or a polar bear! He can choose which one he wants to be when he gets a little older. ;)
I love reading about the many people in your life. Y'all are so blessed.
AHHHHH!! so fun!!!!!!!!!
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