Jett is 16 months old and he is really getting big. He's talking A LOT of Jettish and has added several signs and a few words (banana, apple, mama, daddy, Tatu). I'm not kidding, that guy started jabbering first thing this morning and he did not stop until we fed him - even though we both fell asleep as he took clothes and shoes out of our closet and scattered them around the house, happily chatting away. So much fun...
This is his "what are those crazy people doing?" face. Aunt Jen and I were making lots of noise and jumping up and down so he'd stay in his chair for 2.3 seconds...
Sure do love our little man and all his huge personality. Treasuring each day.
He is soooo precious. Wish y'all could come over for a play date. :(
His last chair pic is just so great! His smile is unbelievable and his shoes make him look like a big boy.
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