Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nicholas Family Christmas

I don't think my family can have a gathering without dogs. Really... It was so great to have Cami back in town with us. Allan and his mom joined us for a little bit, too. Steve and Jordan (Carrie's significant other and son) also joined us. We sort of had stages of Christmas at mom's house: kids' presents before meal, meal, adults' presents, dessert, White elephant. It was full and fun.

Andrew was a wonderful photographer for our family picture - very patient! Can you tell that we got Season 3 of The Dog Whisperer for Christmas? Alas, Salomon was not able to be present for this photo... It seems like all we need is a little Jett to make the picture perfect :)

These beautiful girls are Lilli and Lexi - Austin & Carlee's new puppies. Their chihuahua, Layla, had to stay home, because she needs alone time now that she has puppies at her house.

Austin is 11 and looks very much like his dad, James, did at his age. I remember!

Kaleb - also 11 - and Casey. Thick as thieves, aren't they?

Carlee's 15!! I can't help but think of her as the curly headed 2-yr-old that counted to 10 in her toddler, Beaumont, TX accent. She's awesome... That's Steve taking her picture.

Nick had to take a quick nap after our delicious dinner.

Cami and Allan wore matching purple. Aren't they cute?

David PICKED this jewel in our White Elephant gift exchange! He was impressed by the craftsmanship and plans to wear it - sans underpants - while mowing his lawn. I've got a creative family! Sock puppets (and the script to their love story), Depends and prune juice, and men's lingerie have all made an appearance since we began our tradition a few years ago. But this little framed poster from last year wins, hands down. Thanks, Nick...

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